It is amazing how this Terry Jones thinks first off that burning a book will solve or prove anything. Next he thinks that a pastor of a small church in Gainsville, Florida has the know how to broker a deal with one of the top Islamic figures in the United States over the building of a mosque. This is another time that book burning will solve nothing, as in days of old when the local reverand would rally and burn books of ill intent or unholy reading. Actions like this take us back 60 years. The Quar'an is a suplimental book to the Torah meant to correct any misinterpritations or errors. This actually makes it equiviallant to the christan Book of Mormon read from hidden golden tablets by Joseph Smith. These books mean a lot to the followers of these religions, whether we belive them or not. You can pick apart these books if you are a non-believer to no end.
We can try to justify this action to the burning of the American flag, which is 2 different things completely. One is assoiciated with a country, founded on christian beliefs, and the other is a major symbol of a religion. Christains and Muslims alike have their radicals, and their cults. We had Jim Jones, David Koresh, while the Muslim religion has Osama bin Laden and others.
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